Jim Tobin, A Friend Of Liberty (1945-2021)
May 2nd, 2022
CHICAGO—On Thursday, May 20, STAND (Shut This Airport Nightmare Down) held a press conference and demonstration against the state’s use of eminent domain to forcefully take property near Peotone for the proposed South Suburban Airport. The FAA is at least two or three years from approving/disapproving this measure. Regardless, the Illinois Department of Transportation began eminent domain proceedings three months ago.
The event was coordinated by STAND president George Ochsenfeld, who is also a candidate for State Representative in the 79th District.
Featured speakers included our very own Jim Tobin, President of National Taxpayers United of Illinois, as well as Rich Whitney, Green Party candidate for Governor, Brian Cann, Will Township Supervisor.
These speakers oppose the proposed airport project and are especially disturbed that the state would use eminent domain powers prior to an FAA decision. They find it even more disturbing that Governor Quinn recently put $105 million in the budget to buy land from unwilling sellers at a time when the state is allegedly bankrupt.